This website is created for Eclectus caregivers and lovers to learn as much as they can about these wonderful birds. The information given in this site is based on research, experiences, and trials and errors. It also contains group members information from their personal experiences and knowledge. I have spent 13 years doing extensive research in Eclectus Parrots so I am able to provide the Eclectus enthusiasts with information they may like to or need to know in their basic care and needs and particularly in their dieting. I am always researching so information in this website is kept as up to date as possible. Some of our Facebook group memebrs have also taken a very keen interest in pure subspecies identification and different colouration of the Eclectus. A link to our Facebook group can be found further down in the page.
The Facebook groups hot topics are subspecies identification, spotlighting specific topics, diets, and the move ahead to DNA testing for the purity of subspecies. And of course we have a lot of fun in the group! Lots of pictures and videos.
But for whatever reason you are here today, please enjoy my website. It is a website for the every day Eclectus enthusiast.
Links to the left are Eclectus Information.
Links to the right are specific dieting information.
Information Links
Diet Links
Eclectus Parrots Basic Care and Needs and Eclectus Diets books both have the website information in them as well as additional information not in this website
Click on the books to view and buy them
Since 2005
© Kim Forster
Eclectus Parrots Facebook Group is a worldwide, long running informational group